Tips and Tricks #3

Think Outside the Bubble

As you may have noticed, my first two blogs were written to set the groundwork for establishing a different perspective for literacy intervention.  Successfully battling the rising tide of illiteracy requires that we think outside the bubble in our search for answers.  I’ll be the first to admit that those of us in the teaching profession are prone to being conditioned to jump on the bandwagon without giving much thought as to the validity of the newest trends.  Unfortunately, many of us have learned not to question fundamental changes that periodically occur in a somewhat predictable cycle.

Hopefully, this blog will provide a venue for us to pop the bubble as we explore new ideas and exchange divergent viewpoints to enhance our collective professional growth.  Interesting and sometimes provocative topics will serve to stimulate thoughtful discussion of current practices and innovative teaching methods and techniques.  I encourage everyone to submit their constructive comments, questions and opinions.

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