Tips and Tricks #3

Think Outside the Bubble

As you may have noticed, my first two blogs were written to set the groundwork for establishing a different perspective for literacy intervention.  Successfully battling the rising tide of illiteracy requires that we think outside the bubble in our search for answers.  I’ll be the first to admit that those of us in the teaching profession are prone to being conditioned to jump on the bandwagon without giving much thought as to the validity of the newest trends.  Unfortunately, many of us have learned not to question fundamental changes that periodically occur in a somewhat predictable cycle.

Hopefully, this blog will provide a venue for us to pop the bubble as we explore new ideas and exchange divergent viewpoints to enhance our collective professional growth.  Interesting and sometimes provocative topics will serve to stimulate thoughtful discussion of current practices and innovative teaching methods and techniques.  I encourage everyone to submit their constructive comments, questions and opinions.
Tips and Tricks #2

repetitio est mater studiorum

Repetition is one of the most intuitive principles of learning  that is traceable to ancient Egyptian and Chinese education well over 5,000 years ago.  The ancient Greeks also acknowledged the value of repetition in the Latin proverb repetitio est mater studiorum (translated: repetition is the mother of study).   In more recent times, the central role of repetition in constructive learning theory has been underscored by the work of Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky and others.

Why then, do so many American educators dismiss the value of repetitive drills in their curricula?  The results of the popular drill and kill mentality can be seen everywhere in the form of poor spelling skills, weak mastery of math facts and limited factual knowledge.  In sharp contrast, drills are used extensively in many Asian countries where students must learn to read thousands of often complex calligraphy characters.

Do you remember those well-padded athletes referred to in my previous blog?   Even as professionals, they continue to practice their drills and routines for several hours each day.  If you were to be a contender in my hypothetical literacy competition, it would behoove you to consider using a variety of selected drills with your student, especially if you’re really serious about taking the lead.  As you'll see in future installments, my students have benefited greatly from drills that are an integral part of their lessons.

Tips and Tricks #1

The Coaching Model

A few years ago, I read an article about a subject referred to in the sports world as the coaching model.  Even though I’m not a sports fan, I’m always looking for new ways of reaching my students and this proven approach seemed to have a lot of merit.  After all, if it works for athletes who are paid millions to perform on the field, why not use the same coaching model to help kids perform better in the classroom?

This athletic training approach is based on the notion that our brains tend to remember what we first see when introduced to a new skill.  Whether one is learning to throw a football, swing a golf club, or kick a soccer ball, the coaching model dictates that the proper form be observed at the outset for the most effective and efficient results.

Common sense suggests that this  coaching model can also be applied to teaching literacy.  Think of it this way-- imagine you’re in a literacy competition with a million dollar purse to the teacher who can teach an underachieving, learning disabled, limited- English-speaking student to read and write within 30 days.  Would you be up to the challenge?  Do you think it would be advantageous to use popular learning activities such as: correcting purposely misspelled words, rearranging jumbled words to compose a coherent sentence, completing a word search or using context clues to figure out the meaning of nonsense words?  Don’t you think these activities would greatly hinder rather than help your chances of reaching the finish line first?

So, let’s start by showing students only correctly spelled words and modeling only complete sentences.  How about not even bothering to show them incorrect forms of any kind?  Teach them to do it right the first time and every time to accelerate the learning process and avoid having to waste time with unpleasant damage control.  I guarantee you’ll be surprised at the results!